I study how people create, maintain, and use personal data and information. My mission is to make people more effective curators and users of their own records. My research seeks to improve awareness and reduce burdens associated with information management during life transitions.
I'm currently a NeuroInsight Marie-Sklodowska Curie Actions postdoctoral research fellow in the School of Information and Communication Studies and Insight SFI Research Centre for Data Analytics at University College Dublin. My postdoctoral project explores information and technology management by people with dementia and caregivers. It grapples with ethical challenges associated with digital surveillance, informed consent, and secondary analysis of personal health data.
I received my doctorate in information studies from McGill University in Montréal, Canada, where I was part of the Accessible Computing Technologies (ACT) Research Group supervised by Dr. Karyn Moffatt. My Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) funded doctoral project examined the development of personal financial information management literacy among young adults as part of the coming-of-age process. As a member of ACT research group, I conducted award winning research on information and technology use in long-term care settings to provide end-of-life comfort and care.
I have a masters and bachelors of arts in social anthropology from York University in Toronto, Canada. My award winning masters fieldwork, supervised by Dr Naomi Adelson, investigated user attitudes towards ownership and ethical use of online personal health data. As a social anthropologist by training, I am interested in human-data relations and economies.