February 2025
Robert Douglas Ferguson
Research Interests
personal information management, personal archiving, records management, human-data interactions, human-computer interactions, information behaviour, information work, information practices, information ethicsEducation
Professional Certificates
Project Title: Supporting Social Interaction During Hospice
GLIS 601: Information and Society (Fall/Winter 2014 – In Person)
GLIS 611: Research Methods and Analysis (Fall 2013 – In Person)
GLIS 601: Information and Society (Fall/Winter 2013 – In Person)
2011 Teaching Assistant (Undergraduate Program)
2021 Project CoordinatorProject Title: Estrela Fardamento (Project Manager)
Avataq Cultural Institute, Montréal, QC, Canada
2011-2013 Archival Technician (Reserves Collection)
Archives gaies du Québec, Montréal, QC, Canada
Supervisor: Dr. Ross Higgins Ph.D.
Competitive Grants and Fellowships
Awards, Honours and Scholarships
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Edited Book Chapters
[BC1] Ferguson, R. D. (2017). Negotiating Consent, Compensation, and Privacy in Internet Research: as a Case Study. In K. Kinder-Kurlanda, K. & M. Zimmer (Eds.), Internet Research Ethics for the Social Age: New Challenges, Cases, and Contexts. Switzerland: Peter Lang. Conference Papers
[C2] Cushing, A. L., Ferguson, R. D., Rayes, V. (2023). Conversations on the Invisibility of PIM, Approaching Themes, and New Avenues of Research. 86th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information, Science & Technology (ASIS&T 2023).
[C1] Ferguson, R. D., Massimi, M. Crist, E., and Moffatt, K. (2014). Craving, Creating, and Constructing Comfort: Insights and Opportunities for Technology in Hospice [ACM CSCW Best Paper Award]. Proceedings of the 17th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing (CSCW 2014), 1479–1490.
Peer-Reviewed Workshop Papers
[W8] Ferguson, R. D. (2025). De facto personal financial archives: Designing around opportunism, optimism, and benign neglect of personal financial information. Position paper submitted to Workshop on the Future of Money and HCI. ACM Conference on Computer Human Interaction 2025, Yokohama, JP.
[W7] Ferguson, R. D. (2022). Personal Financial Records Management for Successful Aging and the Provision of Care. Position paper presented at Personal Information Management Workshop 2022, Annual Meeting of the Association of Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T 2022), Oct 29, 2022, Pittsburgh, PA.
[W6] Ferguson, R. D., Yong, X., Pontual Falcão, T., and Moffatt, K. (2017). "I Crack My Brain": the Gap Between Older Adults' Efforts and Participatory Design Demands. Position paper presented at Problems in Practice: Understanding Design Research by Critiquing Cases Workshop, ACM Conference on Computer Human Interactions (CHI 2017), May 7, 2017, Denver, CO.
[W5] Ferguson, R. D. (2016). Ethics and the Long-Term Management of Personal Information. Position paper presented at the Personal Information Management (PIM) Workshop at Association of Computing Machinery's (ACM) Conference on Computer-Human Interactions (CHI) 2016. May 7, 2016, San Jose, CA.
[W4] Ferguson, R. D. (2014). Getting Personal: Bereavement Interviewing and Intervening. Position paper presented at Co-creating & Identity-Making in CSCW: Revisiting Ethics in Design Research Workshop, ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing (CSCW 2014), Feb 16, 2014, Baltimore, MD.
[W3] Ferguson, R. D., Moffatt, K., and Massimi, M. (2013). Formal and informal messages: Early reflections on how context and content influence ICT use at the end-of-life. Position paper presented at Beyond Formality: Informal Communication in Health Practices Workshop, the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing (CSCW 2013), Feb 24, 2013, San Antonio, TX.
[W2] Ferguson, R. D. (2013). Using the Information Senses Framework to Think About Patient-Centered Biomedical Recordkeeping. Position paper presented at Beyond Formality: Informal Communication in Health Practices Workshop, ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing (CSCW 2013), Feb 24, 2013, San Antonio, TX.
Peer-Reviewed Conference Presentations
[CP5] Dorey, J., & Ferguson, R. D. (2017). Research Ethics and protecting your research participants. Presentation at Archival Education Research Institute (AERI 2017). Toronto, ON.
[CP4] Ferguson, R. D. (2017). Exploring the personal financial information management of young adults. Paper Presentation at Personal Digital Archiving (PDA 2017), Palo Alto, CA.
[CP3] Ferguson, R. D. (2017). Opening the Door: The Story of Céu do Montréal’s Quest for Religious Freedom in Canada. Presentation at Mapping the Mind Conference 2017, Toronto, ON.
[CP2] Ferguson, R. D. (2015). In Interfaces We Trust? Exploring Preservation of Personal Financial Information Among Young Adults. Paper Presentation at Archival Education Research Institute, (AERI 2015), College Park, MD.
[CP1] Ferguson R. D. (2013). From expectation to reality: an exploration of patients’ perspectives on reciprocity and fair use of data within Paper Presentation at 6th Annual Web2.U Symposium 2013. Montréal, QC.
Refereed Poster Presentations
[P6] Pontual Falcão, T., Yong, X., Sulmont, E., Ferguson, R. D., and Moffatt, K. (2017). A Digital Pen and Paper Email System for Older Adults. Paper Adjunct Publication of the 30th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, UIST '17, 189–191. doi:
[P5] Ferguson, R. D., Massimi, M., Crist, E., and Moffatt, K. (2013). Supporting communication at the end-of-life: Comparing ICT use by families in hospice settings. Poster presentation at the Annual General Meeting of the Graphics, Animation and New media (GRAND) Network of Centers of Excellence, (GRAND 2013), Toronto, ON.
[P4] Ferguson, R. D. (2013). The Information Senses of Whole Person Care: A Case Study. Poster presentation at First World Congress on Whole Person Care, WPC 2013, Montréal, QC.
[P3] Ferguson, R. D. (2013). Exploring Emergent Research Ethics and Attitudes Towards Privacy on Poster Presentation at Social Media and Society, SMS 2013, Halifax, NS.
[P2] Ferguson, R. D. (2012). What Does Your Username and Picture Mean/Come From: Serendipitous Identity Discovery when Data-Mining Personal Health Information. Poster Presentation at SCORE: Serendipity, Chance and Opportunity in Information Discovery Workshop 2013, School of Information Studies, Montréal, QC.
[P1] Ferguson, R. D. (2009). Campus Friction: An Ethnographic Exploration of Protest in Vari Hall. Paper Presentation at Playing the Field Student Conference 2009, Toronto, ON.
Invited Talks
[T1] Ferguson, R. D. (2023) Coming of Age Through Personal Finance. Paper presented at Ofer Bergman’s Personal Information Management (PIM) Virtual Seminar, on 19 January.
Research Institutes
2023 Mentee, Consortium for the Science of Sociotechnical Systems (CSST) Summer Research Institute. Boulder, CO.
2017 Mentee, Archival Education Research Institute (AERI). Toronto, ON.
2015 Mentee, Archival Education Research Institute (AERI) College Park, MD.
Academic Service
2024 Paper Reviewer, Journal of Information Processing and Management
2023 Poster Reviewer, ACM CSCW Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Work
2023 Paper Reviewer, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies
2023 Paper Reviewer, ACM DIS Conference on Designing Interactive Systems
2023 Paper Reviewer, ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
2018 Paper Reviewer, ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
2018 Student Volunteer, ACM CHI 2018 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Montréal, QC
2017 Paper Reviewer, ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
2017 Poster Reviewer, ACM CSCW Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Work
2017 Doctoral Organizing Subcommittee, Archival Education Research Institute (AERI), Toronto, ON
2017 Student Volunteer, ACM CHI 2017 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Denvir, CO
2016 Paper Reviewer, ACM CSCW Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Work
2015 Paper Reviewer, ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
2015 Poster Reviewer, ACM CSCW Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Work
2014 Paper Reviewer, ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
2013 Student Volunteer, Annual Meeting of Association of Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T), Montréal, QC
2010 Conference Treasurer, Ethnographic Appetites and Feeding the Senses Graduate Student Conference, York University Social Anthropology Graduates Association (SAGA)
2009 Conference Banquet Coordinator, Playing the Field Graduate Student Conference, York University Social Anthropology Graduates Association (SAGA)
2015 Secretary, Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) Montréal Student’s Chapter, McGill University
2014 Communications Officer, Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) Montréal Student’s Chapter, McGill University
2013 Doctoral Program Representative, McGill Library and Information Studies Student's Association (MISSA), McGill University
2010 Association President, York University Social Anthropology Graduates Association (SAGA), York University
2009 Association Treasurer, York University Social Anthropology Graduates Association (SAGA), York University
2008 Undergraduate Peer Advisor, Vanier College, York University
Association Memberships
2014-2023 Student Member, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
2014-2023 Student Member, Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T)
2012-2023 Student Member, McGill Information Studies Students Association (MISSA)
2015-2017 Collective Member, Canadian Students for Sensible Drug Policy (CSSDP) McGill Chapter
2014-2016 Student Member, Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) Montréal Student’s Chapter, McGill University